Choosing Sturdy Appliances

Picking A Grill For Your Patio Or Deck

When the warm spring and summer months come rolling in, it is time to roll the grill out and start thinking about cookouts, family get-togethers, and backyard fun. If you don't have a grill but want one for your patio or deck, you might have a harder time choosing one than cooking on it the first time. There are a lot of different models to choose from so let's consider the options.

Gas Grills

Probably the most commonly used and popular grills right now are the propane fired gas grill. It uses a 20lb propane cylinder and has a gas burner in the bottom of the grill. Early models used lava rocks between the burner and the rack but these days, but many just have an open burner with a metal diffuser that spreads the heat out in an even pattern across the grill. There are sizes available from small portable units to huge six or even eight burners under the grill. Which one is right for you is a choice only you can make.

Charcoal Grills

For many years, charcoal was the way to go, and many purists still feel that grilling should only be done over charcoal. The charcoal briquettes are often blended with a wood product like hickory, cherry, or mesquite wood to add some more flavor to the floor you are cooking over it. There is a wide variety of charcoal grill on the market as well. From small grills, you could use on the beach, to large grills that can accommodate a party or large gathering. Keep in mind; if you use a charcoal grill, you will need to start the grill ahead of time, so it can get hot and ready for use.


Not really a grill, but a great add on to your outdoor cooking station, a smoker is another great way to cook your favorite meats is in a smoker. The smoker uses hardwood that is burned in a lower chamber, and the smoke is passed through the box where the meat is placed. The escaping heat cooks the meat while the smoke passes over the meat, giving it the flavor of the wood in the bottom of the smoker. You can buy bags of wood chips to use with your smoker at any home center and many grocery and department stores. Make sure to empty the old chips out first, so you don't mix the flavors together unless you are experimenting with flavors or mixes.

For more information, contact your local grill dealer.
